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Please feel free to contact us with any questions, comments or concerns. Also use this information to make your custom orders!



In person! Come get hands (and noses) on with our products!

Utah State Hospital Craft Fair: USH all the way east on Center Street in Provo, Thursday November 17th, 9am-5pm

Battlecreek Boutique**: Thurs & Fri December 1st & 2nd, 9am-8pm and Sat. December 3rd 8am-5pm. Pleasant Grove Rec Center @ 65 East 200 South, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Come check out our booth along with the others...and get some yummy fresh baked cinnamon buns. They are the #1 perk of this boutique by far!!

**The Battlecreek Boutique is a great boutique show with a centralized check out so although we won't be there the whole time, our awesome products will. Be sure to go check out our new HOLIDAY fragrances and items...starfish Santas, seashell ornaments, peppermint soaps just to name a few.